About the Artist

After a couple years of drawing commission portraits for friends and acquaintances (2018-2020), I developed a slight aversion to drawing, associating it with social performance and restriction to realism. Transitioning away from commission art gave me the challenging opportunity to discover my own art style, allowing my imagination and experience with mental illness to take a front seat in artistic decision-making.

I believe art and mental health share an interdependent relationship; when used as an expressive outlet, art tends to absorb the intimate thoughts and beliefs of the artist. Many of my pieces, intentionally or not, reflect the distinct pains associated with social anxiety, MDD, and OCD. Expression of such illnesses more often unseen and unheard contrasts the more intentional emphasis on emotional superficiality in each piece.

Gallery Showings and Publications

  • Arts to Hearts Magazine Issue 5 (2024)
  • Emerging Artists Group Exhibit - Dodomu Gallery (Apr 4 - May 23 2024)